Configure GCB for Cloud Object Storage

This section describes how to configure GCB in your environment. Refer to the following section for details.

Deploy G-vTAP Containers

Follow the instructions below to deploy G-vTAP Containers in your node:

  1. In your Kubernetes orchestrator, enter the G-vTAP Container image name, commands and the required information in a YAML file. Following is the example data to be entered into your YAML file:
    image: gigamon/gvtap-container: :<version>
    #imagePullPolicy: Never
    #imagePullPolicy: Always
    #imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    command: [“/gvtap”, “1", “eth0”, “eth0", “”, “4789", “45”]
  2. Using the YAML file, Kubernetes automatically downloads the defined G-vTAP Container and deploys in the selected PODs.

Launch GigaVUE-FM

The recent GigaVUE-FM image files can be downloaded from Gigamon Customer Portal. After fetching the image, upload and launch GigaVUE-FM inside or outside your VPC. For assistance, Contact Technical Support of Gigamon.

Launch Gigamon Containerized Broker

Follow the instructions below to deploy GCB in your node:

  1. In your Kubernetes orchestrator, enter the GCB Controller and GCB S3 image name, commands and the required information in a YAML file. Following is the example data to be entered into your YAML file:
    image: gigamon/gcb-s3:<version>
    - command:
    - gcb-s3
    - <pkt_filter_type(ip|tcp|udp)>
    - <i_iface: eth0, eth1>
    - <s3_bucket_name>(Ex: gcb_s3_bucket)
    - <s3_region>(Ex: us-east-2>)
    - <AWS Account-ID>
    - <max_pkt_per_pcap> 
    - <idle_timeout (in sec)>
    - <stats_active (0/1)>
    - <gcm port>
    - <stats_interval(in sec)>
    - <filtering rule>
    - <gcb vxlan port>
    image: gigamon/gcb-cntlr:<version>
    - command:
    - /gcb-cntlr 
    - <GigaVUE-FM IP>
    - <PORT ID for GCB controller to communicate with GigaVUE-FM> 
  2. Using the YAML file, Kubernetes automatically downloads the defined GCB Controller and GCB S3. Then both are deployed in a new POD.
  3. Connect the deployed G-vTAP Containers to the GCB installed in the same node.
  4. Register GCB with the GigaVUE-FM launched inside or outside your VPC.

Once the GCB is registered with GigaVUE-FM, the GCB starts to collect the traffic from the G-vTAP Containers and periodically sends the heartbeats and statistics to GigaVUE-FM. For more information on GCB and GigaVUE-FM interaction, refer to GCB and GigaVUE‑FM Interaction

Store Traffic Data in S3 Bucket

By default, the traffic information from GCB is saved into Amazon S3 bucket. All the parameters of the S3 bucket are defined in the yaml files.

The following are the S3 bucket parameters defined in yaml file:




Name of the Amazon S3 bucket


AWS region (Example: us-east-2>)

AWS Account-ID

ID of AWS user account


Maximum packets required to create a PCAP file

idle_timeout (in sec)

Idle time limit to create PCAP file without waiting to collect the maximum packets defined.

Follow the instructions below to store the traffic data from GCB to your Amazon S3 bucket.

  1. Save the traffic data from the GCB as a PCAP file with the Server-Side Encryption technology.
  2. Transfer and save the encrypted PCAP files to your Amazon S3 bucket.

Note:  Naming convention of the PCAP file and the folder in S3 bucket are as follows:

  • PCAP file name: <AWS Accout ID>_pod_<POD IP>_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_mm_ss_<milliseconds>.pcap
  • S3 folder name: [S3 bucket name]/account_id/MM-DD-YYYY/[file-name]/